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// SEPT. 4, 2013
Cline's Camp Creed:
Six factors for an improved school board
Advance Our Kids' Education
We can all probably agree that our kids are getting a solid education in our Shelby County schools. I believe that we must continue to advance the depth of subjects taught, advance the rigor of our kids' courses, and advance the level of trained educators in our schools.
Ensure Accountability of our Adminstration
I believe it is the place of the board members to ensure that School officials are not looking for "rubber stamps" of approval. Safeguards are in place, parent and teacher participation is required for success. The board members must hold adminstration accountable to uphold the policies and procedures of the school district.
Mandate Fiscal Responsibility
As a parent with kids in school, I find myself constantly reaching into the family budget to handle new costs for a public education. I am educated enough to know that I don't cast stones and say that the board of the past has been irresponsible, but I do strongly believe that the board must MANDATE that our school district be fiscally conservative and work within the constraints of a budget. I believe that there is possible "budgeted fat" in the school district that needs to be cut.
Promote Student Education Rather Than Testing Performance
As a parent I have to admit that the overall stress and importance placed on testing is overwhelming and has become our kid's identity. I believe there MUST be a way to promote what our kids are learning rather than over-promoting testing performance.
Revitalize a Sense of One Community
Long term and short term planning is vital to a successful school system. Our school board must ensure that our community moves towards a united effort rather than an east/west divide or new vs old mentality. Long range plans must ensure that we focus on ways to revitalize our united efforts.
Advocate for the Families and Students of Shelby County
Looking to the future, I have an interest in being a true "REPRESENTATIVE" of the people on the school board. As an advocate for our community's families and students, I believe I can make a difference by asking the hard questions, ensuring that members of this community find me approachable and truly interested in hearing the issues we face as parents, teachers, and administrators. As a parent of six, I have become aware of so many concerns, I feel compelled to work hard to become a true ADVOCATE for you!